Thursday, June 21, 2012

Dog barking! How to stop a dog from barking?


A bark is a noise produced by dogs and pups and it’s their way of vocal communication and expressing themselves. It can mean different in different situations. Dogs communication skills are complex and some may lack spontaneity, originality and individuality.
Why does dog bark?
  §        Territorial/protective: - When a person or other animals get into the area he considers as his own territory, it triggers excessive barking. Dogs look alert and aggressive during this barking.
  §        Alarm/fear: -Often dogs starts barking at any noise that catches their attention and startles them.
  §        Boredom/loneliness: - Dogs like to stay in company. So, when they are left alone for some long time, they feel sad and lonely and do bark.
  §        Greeting/play: - Dogs often greet other animals or people with a bark. This is generally a happy bark accompanied with tail-wagging and even jumping.
  §        Attention seeking: - Dogs sometimes bark to demand their needs like going outside, playing or getting a treat. Occasionally they whine and bark only to seek someone’s attention.
  §        Separation anxiety: - Dogs suffering from separation anxiety barks excessively when left alone. There barking is often accompanied with pacing, destructiveness, depression etc.

Types of dog barking sound:
  o       Short barks at time: - This can mean that the dog had heard something which he is unable to see (like car parking, doorbell etc.). This works as an alarm.
  o       A low and quite bark turns into a howling growl: - Dog often continue to bark and increase their growling intensity and sometimes bare their teeth too. This is a warning bark signifying a potential danger.
  o       Prolonged sound of barking: - This is an uninterrupted barking and dogs use them to seek attention. They often use this to express their boredom or loneliness as well.
  o       A series of yelps: - Dogs use this sound when they are in pain.
  o       A halting bark in a low pitch: - This can mean that the dog wants to be pampered and also they want to play.
  o       A rising pitch stutter bark: - This is the sound they produce when they are happy and contented.
  o       A high-pitched vocalization with the mouth closed: - Dog make this sound when they want something like treat, walk or SIMPLY attention.
  o       High-pitched and repetitive sound of bark: - This bark implies that the dog is in deep stress.
  o       The sound that is longer and more tonal: - Dog use this tone mostly while chasing. This is also called a ‘singing’.
 Some dogs do bark much unnecessarily as it may have turned into one of his behavioral problem. We can control his excessive barking by some easy steps as:
   1.      We should be quiet and firm when we want out pet to stop barking too much. We should never shout, as it stimulated him as he thinks we are joining him too.
   2.      We should make him understand the word “quiet”.
   3.      We should praise and give him a nice treat when he stops barking, such that he feels it more worth than barking.
Conclusion: - Humans were faster in deciphering dog’s body language. But some gestures and barks may have multiple meanings whereas some can be extremely contextual in nature. So, still there are a lot to interpret and understand in spite of the consistent attempt to translate their barks, howls etc.


A whole lot of noise problems arising in the streets in the recent days are due nonstop dog barking. Also non stops dog barking of the street dogs as well as of the pet is enough to drive any pet owner insane. Suppose for instance if you are at the top of the rope and just can’t stop your dog from barking any time or when the door bell rings, then you are bound to take the help of technology to able to stop your pet dog from barking louder. Mainly for that dog who does not respond much to the reinforcement training to stop barking, several devices are bound to be used in order to capture his attention whenever he is in some anger or courage. 

So some necessary helpful devices are as follows:
   ·       Scent Collar: Well, a simple and humane gadget used to stop barking of dogs nowadays is the Scent Collar. Relatively inexpensive costing just under $50, often called Anti Bark spray collar. This spray is also citronella scented and is guaranteed 100% safe for all breeding pets and also puppies. The main purpose is to stop barking and every time the collar releases the spray near the snout of the dog, it gets distracted and stops barking.

   ·       High Frequency Device: Another popular method which is there to stop barking of dogs is to use an electronic device that emits high pitched frequency. This device is also equipped with a high power speaker that easily covers a 60 ft radius and is also compatible with any size of dogs. When the dog barks at a stranger or doorbell. The device will emit an ultrasonic sound hearable only to the dog. So the dog will soon learn to associate with this high pitched frequency and stop barking.

   ·       Training Tone collar: Another effective and humane way to stop barking at home is the training tone collar. The training collar produces three different sounds that are activated through the collar. The negative tones of the collar can be used to encourage your dog to stop unpleasant behaviors like barking, chewing, or digging.

So these were some of the main devices which can reduce effective dog barking and maintain calmness around your home.


Barking, in addition to whining, howling and growling are the common characters of a dog to communicate with others. The barking of a normal pup or a dog is mainly characterized by a series of short and sharp shrill sounds that tend to vary very much little in tone or pitch or frequency. The normal dork barks may signify territorial protection, exertion of dominance or some expression for some need. Typically it may be said that barking is a medium of communication triggered by a state of excitement or anger. So being a natural trait for the dogs, it cannot be considered as a behavioral problem unless it is produced in excess.

Causes of Dog Barking
Problem barking may have various origins although genetics does influence a dog’s tendency to bark. Also environmental sounds may also trigger dog barking. These environmental sounds definitely include sounds like barking of other dogs, and also sound of other cars in the streets, also strange voices and thunder and other mechanical voices such as ringing of the phone. Definitely it has to be understood that noises can initiate barking at any time of the day. A dog may not also bark at accustomed sounds of the day but at night may be incited to a volley of barking and much to the chagrin of the neighbors by the slightest of the voices. The other causes of the barking may include separation anxiety or even the temperament of the dog for which an over aggressive animal may bark at the smallest provocation as well. And lastly a territorial dog may even bark at any stranger friendly or unfriendly entering your property or in your house.


So these were some of the most possible reasons regarding the recent issues of dog barking according to the experts.